The Cove surf guide
Surf: General: South of Broadway Beach, The Cove is tucked further back within Cape May’s south-facing stretch, allowing it to handle the bigger NE swells that manage to wrap in. When the rest of New Jersey is onshore, The Cove can be really fun if not straight-up firing. A proper, heaving, spitting shorebreak barrel when it’s on, therefore preferring a mid to incoming tide and NE wind, The Cove’s bars regularly benefit from the dredging and pumping of sand that comes with beach nourishment efforts. It maxes out after a few feet overhead, but has a fairly wide swell window from NE to SE. When The Cove is good, three below-sea-level lefthand tubes on one wave are not uncommon.
Tides: Mid-high generally best
Size: Waist high-overhead
Wind: NNE to ENE
Swell: E, ESE, SE
Bottom: Sand off rock jetty
Paddling: More walking than paddling sometime, so not too bad.
Spot Rating: Rather fickle spot overall, but on a big nor'easter it can be one of the better spots around.
Access: Easy
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can get crowded on good days but not too bad.
Local Vibe: Mellow to moderate, but can get busy on certain days.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Tricky currents.
Season: September through March