The Money Wave surf guide
Surf: General: The powerful, consistent right-hander previously known as the Money Wave has all but disappeared off the traveling surfers' list of Moroccan surf spots in the past decade. While its appalling location in front of a huge, noisy factory is largely to blame, the waves are as good as ever.Follow the coast south from Safi until you come to the huge factory. Pull up in the dirt lot in front and you'll find a long reef of right-handers that picks up a lot of swell. There are barrels and big faces for lots of turns, challenging enough for the best surfers.Staying in Safi is the best option, which allows you to check the coast and other spots on the drive down. The factory is depressing and noisy and makes the water quality dubious, although it looks clean and green enough it's still not an ideal place. But if you're looking to get some solid peaks and pull into a few, here's the place.The locals surf it and are happy to share when they're around, and if you make friends with them they might lead you to some of their more secret reefs down the coast south of the factory, where the landscape is beautiful and the road winds along the hillside.
Tides: Low to medium
Size: Head high-overhead+
Wind: East
Swell: NW, WNW, W
Bottom: Rock reef
Paddling: Long paddles and lots of water moving on big days.
Spot Rating: Can get really good on the right swell.
Access: Easy to find in front of huge factory. Easy parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Light crowds or none. A few locals, mostly on weekends.
Local Vibe: Freaky factory smell and noise.
Environment: Possible pollution from nearby factory.
Hazards: Not much.
Season: Fall into winter as the North Atlantic storm track gets active.