Turtle Bay West surf guide
Surf: General: It used to be a haven from the North Shore crush, but during the winter months these days, the right breaking in the shadow of the colossus Turtle Bay Resort on the eastern edge of Kawela Bay is a bonafide surfing hotspot. Though considered mellow by North Shore standards, Turtle Bay West can get really good on a proper N swell, even offering up some worthy barrel sections. Meanwhile, around the peninsula and on the east side of the resort, Turtle Bay East turns on during a proper N or NW swell.
Tides: All tides
Size: Chest high-2 feet overhead
Wind: Calm or light to moderate E to S.
Swell: Depending on the precise spot in this zone, anything from WNW to NE can be good.
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Mellow paddling overall.
Spot Rating: Most of the time its average, but on the proper swell direction and wind, it can get really good.
Access: Easy parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Light to moderate, can have a lot of tourist learning on the smaller days.
Local Vibe: Friendly for the most part and usually with tourists. Don't be that ugly tourist.
Environment: Clean. Beautiful, clear, blue water.
Hazards: Reef.
Season: Winter