Venice Jetties South surf guide
Surf: General: Venice Jetties is ground zero for the Gulf Coast surf scene — attracting the biggest crowds and holding the biggest swells. Hard-packed sandbars indented with rock jetties almost guarantee wedgey thrills. The South Jetties in particular are veritable NW swell magnets. They don’t typically hold as much size as the North Jetties on tropical SW swells, but their waves are often steeper, faster and hollower during the more frequent wintertime lows. A-frames abound when the stars align. As consistent as a surf spot can get in West Florida.
Tides: High-tide tubes, low-tide runners — a good jetty works wonders.
Size: Knee-high to a few feet overhead.
Wind: E, NE
Swell: NW, W, SW
Bottom: Sand.
Paddling: Back-paddling gets tiring, too.
Spot Rating: Good for the Gulf. Between the jetties and the sandbars, you can do airs when it’s small and get tubed when it’s big.
Access: Free parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Frantic, tightly packed crowds clog this joint like human cholesterol the minute the waves reach knee-high.
Local Vibe: It can be intense here. Unfortunately, anonymous novices far outnumber the resident enforcers.
Environment: Surprisingly clean, despite the history of oil spills and shoreline development, thanks in part to the Beach Bill. Historically passed water quality tests at least 95% of the time.
Hazards: Lightning, sharks, heat stroke and fiberglass projectiles of all sorts.
Season: September-March