Vunaniu surf guide
Surf: The Vunaniu Pass has 2 rights, 800m apart, where the outside peak at Shifties does just that, as it picks up any hint of swell at any tide. Powerful, pushy and often real large at the initial peak, the refracting walls encourage big wrapping cutties back into the power source. It's a long wave over a wide area and handles some size in winds from W-NE. Way inside is Jays, that will always be much smaller, but an out and out barrel when there's more W in the swell and wind. Needs much higher tides to avoid getting caught inside and positioning is crucial.
Environment: Intermediates will have fun on small to medium days at Shifties, while Jays is a full-on fast barrel for experts only. Across the channel Black Rock offers more high-octane ledgy rights.