West End, Long Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Perhaps not as popular as the event-decorated Long Beach beachbreaks of Lincoln or Laurelton, the West End nonetheless faces pretty much the same direction, if not a lil’ SW, and pretty much has the same jetty/groin setups. And the hollow lefts rifling off the rocks at low tide can feel similar. The West End operates on hurricane swells and nor'easters alike, but can perhaps handle NE winds better than other New York beachbreaks, its jetties sometimes organizing storm surf into peaky fun. A good spot to check when the rest of Long Island is maxed out.
Tides: Sand-dependent, but all tides are rideable.
Size: Knee high-double overhead.
Wind: N
Swell: SE
Bottom: Sand with a bit of jetty crud.
Paddling: There’s usually a fair bit of sweep on big swells. That’s why the groins were built, right?
Spot Rating: A dependable beachbreak that can fire at will — like a retirement home for aging rippers who can’t handle Lido beatings anymore.
Access: Metered parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: It can get pretty crowded, especially during surf school season.
Local Vibe: Long Beach is one of the most hardcore surf towns on the East Coast. It didn’t get that way by being sweet.
Environment: When it comes to pollution, well, the Big Apple is not that far away. However, this spot historically passed water quality tests at least 95% of the time.
Hazards: Debris, hypothermia.
Season: September-March