Wijk Aan Zee/Noordpier surf guide
Surf: Premier spot closest to Amsterdam. Left and right walls in a NW swell and weaker disorganised corners in SW conditions, when the huge harbour jetty provides some wind protection. Onshore messy conditions are the norm and mid tides incoming are best. High tide there is too much water.
Access: Ugly industrial backdrop
For surf check only in summer 0251374141
Environment: Always somebody surfing long after the summer hordes have left. Beware rips closer to the jetty and the many wind/kiters. Stark industrial background including steel mill and commercial shipping - water quality dubious. The last few years it's really crowded especially in summer. The beach huts and surf club are gone in winter so then it's less crowded . Call THE HOT ZONE for surf check only in summer 0251374141.