Cullera/Jucar surf guide
Surf: General: A long stretch of resort beach that mostly produces short, peaky waves in windswells, but is exposed to a decent fetch when a northeasterly blows. The main beach has a breakwater at the northern end, look for a peeling left here at low tide in big storm swells. To the south, the mouth of the Jucar river has a breakwater with wedgy rights.
Tides: Works on all tides - closes out at high.
Size: Waist to head high
Wind: W, NW
Swell: NE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Not too bad when small, rips when swell kicks in.
Spot Rating: Fickle beach, mostly short period windswell peaks, occasional good groundswell can produce fun waves.
Access: Rough parking area near river, car park near Cullera breakwater.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Small but committed local crew.
Local Vibe: Enthusiastic.
Environment: OK in summer, can be terrible from rivermouth in winter and after rains.
Hazards: Rips and longshore drift when swell picks up.
Season: Best December - February.