Long Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Technically “Long Beach” encompasses the entire stretch of between Wickaninnish Beach to the south, and Schooner Cove to the north (about 10 miles). In surfing terms, however, it generally refers to the stretch between Lovekin Rock and Incinerator Rocks, closer to half a mile in total. The Lovekin zone generally pulls in a lot more swell as it curves outwards and faces more west, with consistent banks on both sides. The north side offers an a-frame peak, with slopey lefts running up the beach, and a steeper, walled righthander that breaks towards the rocks and into a rip, making for an easy return to the takeoff spot.
Tides: Mid to High Tide for north side, Low-Mid tide for south side.
Size: Waist high - Overhead and a half
Wind: NE,N,NW
Swell: S, SW, WSW, W
Bottom: Sand bottom, no rocks.
Paddling: It can be a pretty lengthy slog to get back to the lineup, and the along shore currents are often brutal. Cheat on your initial paddle out by jumping in by the rock and get pulled by the rip. And on the south side, run-arounds back to the rock are a great option after long rides.
Spot Rating: It has many moods, and you will see a little bit of everything on any given day. For the most part through, it's a softer wave with a crumbly coping to lean into, but the south side gets shallow and dredgey when everything aligns.
Access: Multiple large parking lots right off the highway. Day use and seasonal National Park passes are available at kiosks.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Slammed in the summertime, with beachgoers and surfers of all kinds. In the winter through, it can be sneakily empty, and since it normally doesn't have good sandbars late in the year, it provides opportunity for a solo sesh if you're diligent and willing to make the drive.
Local Vibe: Usually mellow, but as always, when the wedges close to the rock are on, there will be a pack of locals controlling the peak, especially on the south side.
Environment: Very clean.
Hazards: Strong currents near Lovekin rock, hordes of beginners flailing about in the summer months, and big, angry, aggressive sea lions down on the south side.
Season: All Year