Long Beach Peninsula surf guide
Surf: General: n/a
Tides: High
Size: Thigh-head high
Wind: E
Swell: S, SW, W
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Moderate.
Spot Rating: Kinda fun.
Access: For Greater Long Beach Peninsula, exit U.S. Highway 101 onto state Highway 103, which becomes Pacific Way through Long Beach. For Columbia River North Jetty, take the Highway 100 Loop out of Ilwaco and cruise until the Highway 100 Spur junction, which you'll veer onto, following the brown signs out to the North Jetty. It's about a mile from the entrance kiosk, and there's no fee for day use.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: None.
Local Vibe: Very laid-back, if you even see any other surfers.
Environment: Clean.
Hazards: None.
Season: June-August