Port Robinson surf guide
Surf: High tide, SW winds and a big SE-S swell awaken the inconsistent point at Port Robinson accessed by a 10 minute walk down a farm track.
Directions: From Christchurch head north on State Highway 1. When you get to Domett turn right onto Hururnui Mouth Road, then turn left onto Cathedral Road, up onto the hill. Then turn right into Port Robinson Road. Find a park at the end of the road and from here it is a short 5-10min walk down the track to the beach. Alternatively you can continue on State Highway 1 into Cheviot and turn right onto Gore Bay Road which will also get to Gore Bay, then go through gore Bay and up the hill, turn left onto Port Robinson Road. There are a couple of Camping grounds in Gore Bay if you want to stay longer.
Environment: This is a good wave when on so competent surfers only.