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Punta San Carlos

Hourly Forecast
Timezone: America/Tijuana
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06:36 - 06:59
18:47 - 19:11
Air temperature
15°C - 17°C
Water temperature
Closest moon phase
First quarter
Thu Mar 06

Ideal surf conditions at Punta San Carlos

Swell window
Swell size
3ft - 8ft
Swell breaks over
Wave types
Wave directions
Wind window
Best tides at
Low, Low to Mid, Mid
Skill Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Expert
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Board types
Funboard, Longboard, Fish

Punta San Carlos surf guide

Surf: General: Between Punta San Carlos to Punta Rosarito is the land of right point after right point stretching down the coast from Punta San Carlos in the north to the southern Seven Sisters points in the south. The Pacific Coast of Baja is very far away from the highway in this region, and you should expect to carry in all of your supplies, water and gas.

Punta San Carlos has become crowded as a kite boarding and windsurfing haven for good reason. Northwesterlies of 20+ knots or more that compress against the huge plateaus all the way down to Canoas. Clean sessions in this area can be few and far in between. The Punta Canoas area to the south does offer cleaner, more protected conditions below massive 100-foot tall bluffs and a few reef/river mouths that have their days.

To the south is an area experienced Baja explorers refer to as the "Dead Zone" because if you get stranded out there-you'll really be stranded. There are a series of small points that dot the coastline all the way down to Punta Blanca but the dirt roads are some of the least traveled and worst in Baja. Again, some of these points have their days with semi protection from the wind, but the wave quality is generally average and questionable given the hardship and risk to get out there. Tides: Mid to low. Size: Chest high to double overhead Wind: North, NE Swell: SW, SSW, S, W, WNW Bottom: Reef/rock. Paddling: Light Spot Rating: Long mellow right hand point break. Fun and forgiving wave with a longboard following. Access: Difficult. Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate. Local Vibe: Pretty mellow. Environment: Clean Hazards: Urchins, reef/rock, rips. Season: Year Round

Written by Joris de Ruiter

Joris is a dad, husband, surfer, software developer, yogi and swimmer. He combines his passion for surfing and technology to help others catch more and better waves.

Surf reports nearby Punta San Carlos

Punta Canoas surf forecastPunta San Carlos surf forecast