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A-Frames surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
E | ESE | SE | SSE | S | SSW
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
1ft - 7ft
Breaks over
Wave type
Wave direction
right | left
Optimal Wind Direction
WNW | NW | NNW | N | NNE
Best Tides at
lowToMid | mid | midToHigh

More about A-Frames surfspot

General: Drive farther south from the Meacom's Pier and you will undoubtedly find A-frames. Don't get too excited. The name A-Frames is merely for navigational purposes on land, as there is a preponderance of A-framed houses in the vicinity.</br></br>Out front and in the lineup, there's not too much going on most of the time. A-Frames' greatest asset is that it offers a stretch of open beach, with your pick of the litter from whatever you can find out there. No one's going to hassle you, and if you happen to have impeccable timing or just good luck and the waves are fun, you're going to get a peak to yourself. Tides: Medium Size: Waist to slightly overhead Wind: N, NW Swell: S, SE Bottom: Sand. Paddling: Drift sessions are the call with consistently strong longshore currents. Spot Rating: Probably not worth your time unless you just happen to be there.

Beginner to advanced


Late summer/fall; late winter to mid-spring

Crowd Factor: Empty. Local Vibe: Positive.

Proximity to Houston shipping channel and runoff from Galveston equals often not the best water quality.


Check surf reports near A-Frames