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Al Ashkharah

Hourly Forecast
Timezone: Asia/Muscat
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05:55 - 06:17
18:10 - 18:32
Air temperature
23°C - 37°C
Water temperature
Closest moon phase
First quarter
Thu Mar 06

Ideal surf conditions at Al Ashkharah

Swell window
Swell size
1ft - 1ft
Swell breaks over
Uneven Reef
Wave types
Wave directions
Wind window
Best tides at
Low, Mid, High
Skill Level

Al Ashkharah surf guide

Surf: In this northerly area, most Dubai surfers go to Shipwreck Beach at Al Ashkarah, especially if decent sized, powerful surf is on the cards. The reef extends out a fair way, so at low tide long, mellow righthanders break 100-200m (300-600ft) off the beach. Environment: If it’s small, there’s a surfable shoredump at high tide and there are further righthand points to the south down to the protected low tide spot at Bandar As Saqlah.

Written by Joris de Ruiter

Joris is a dad, husband, surfer, software developer, yogi and swimmer. He combines his passion for surfing and technology to help others catch more and better waves.

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