Englewood surf guide
Surf: General: South of Venice, Englewood has another stretch of mid-break to shorebreak sandbars.
Tides: Mid to high
Size: Thigh-head high
Wind: Onshore to generate some surf, NE, E for clean conditions
Swell: SW, W, NW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy most days, can be a little more challenging on the bigger windswell days.
Spot Rating: Below average overall, but like anywhere can have its moments.
Access: Easy -- there is more than one state park on the way.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Minimal.
Local Vibe: We don't even know if there are locals.
Environment: Outside of occasional red tide outbreaks, water is usually clean.
Hazards: Stingrays and sharks.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane