Faja do Belo



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Faja do Belo surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
W | N
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
5ft - 5ft
Breaks over
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Faja do Belo surfspot

Overlooked and underrated left between the 2 larger fajas. Challenging vetical drop into speed walls and big barrel sections. Strong SW winds tend to turn S here and it's a bit more protected than Santo Christo and Cubres. Expert and ballsy intermediates will revel in the barrels and easy going vibe.

only 20 mins walk from Cubres

Not difficult to get through the rocks and paddle out but coming back in much trickier. Rocks, current and jellyfish occassionally invade. Only 20 mins walk from Cubres car park.

Check surf reports near Faja do Belo