Freshwater West surf guide
Surf: Most consistent spot in Wales and site of the Welsh nationals. Average beachbreak in north of the bay that holds plenty of size. Fast, hollow sandbar waves at low tide in front of the Furzenip rocks in the middle and reef/beach options to the south.
Access: No shooting at w/e's, public holidays and one week a month nov-april so access is possible.
Rips can be bad, good N-S current on drop. quicksand at low tide at N end and rock patches in middle.
Regular venue for Welsh Nationals.
Environment: Access is restricted to the south; MOD firing range so do not jump the fence. No shooting at w/e's, public holidays and one week a month Nov-April, so access is possible, if you paddle. Rips can be bad, strong N-S current on drop. Quicksand at low tide at N end, uneven rock patches in middle and weaverfish are hazards. Roadside and three small parking areas.
Surf: General: Sitting out on the southwestern tip of Wales, it's easy to see why "Fresh West" is such a swell magnet. There are two main stretches of beach; the main beach to the north is a vast length of sand backed by dunes, the smaller to the south is a sometimes-rocky bay that can disappear at high. The two are divided by a low headland that can have a good right in front breaking over a reef. The main beach holds big swells, but is rippy in any size, so beginners take care. Frainslake Sands to the south is out of bounds and lies within the Castlemartin MOD firing range.
Tides: Breaks through the tides.
Size: Thigh high to head and a half.
Wind: E
Swell: SW to NW
Bottom: Sand and rock patches.
Paddling: OK when small, heavy paddle when big.
Spot Rating: Consistent spot with good banks, occasionally excellent.
Access: Not a huge amount of parking here, a couple of small car parks and road parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Usually busy due to consistency.
Local Vibe: Fairly relaxed.
Environment: Good.
Hazards: Rips and rocks.
Season: Works year round, but best September - November.