Garretstown surf guide
Surf: Best at low. Dangerous at high, iron remains of groynes in middle. Bad rip at west end. Rumoured reef at west end when big and clean.
Directions: R604
Environment: Average beachbreak with large beginner population when small. Better waves to be had elsewhere.
Surf: General: Garretstown consists of two beaches, within proximity to rocky, unsurfable reefs.
Tides: low to mid
Size: Chest to overhead.
Wind: N-NE
Swell: S-SW Works with windswells.
Bottom: Sand with exposed rock slabs.
Paddling: Not far off the beach.
Spot Rating: Fun wedges when sand aligns with swell.
Access: Park in front.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Not a factor.
Local Vibe: Friendly.
Environment: Very clean.
Hazards: Exposed rocks, Rips.
Season: Breaks all year round but will go flat in the summer.