Grindavík surf guide
Surf: Exposed, swell-magnet reefbreak with racy right walls at all sizes and some lefts. Friendly at 3ft, frightening at 8ft! Max-out size unknown. Heavy water at size with crunching barrels over very shallow low tide reef that gets covered at high. Steep take-offs and bumpy faces unless due N winds.
Access: Can go a bit flat in summer - but definately one of the most consistent places in summer.
Directions: Drive to Grindavik. Drive on the same road straight through the town until you cant go any further, then you turn right and drive up the coast for 2-3 minutes and you are there.
Environment: Very high consistency, even in summer, but rarely perfect. Due to its exposure it can get messy very quickly. Always a lot of water moving, barely submerged rocks and urchins. Finding someone else to surf with can be a problem. Drive straight through town and turn right then 3 mins west.