Jetty East surf guide
Surf: General: Jetty East Condos is the Destin area's premier big-wave spot. It breaks best in winter when the winds are out of the NW after a passing cold front. Jetty East is surfed mostly in the six to eight-foot range, and on rare occasions it can climb to 10-feet. On the big days, you walk down toward the jetty to paddle out. There's a channel between the jetty and where the biggest waves break. After drifting east and catching the waves, you go in and walk back up the beach.
Tides: Low going high
Size: Overhead-double overhead
Wind: NW, N, NE
Swell: SE, S, SW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy on small days, tougher paddle on larger swells.
Spot Rating: Can get good here and handles some size. Not for newer level surfers.
Access: 10-minute walk.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: High if word gets out.
Local Vibe: Average.
Environment: This is the emerald coast, so named due to the water color.
Hazards: Parking attendants.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane