Sandy Hook surf guide
Surf: General: The Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook boasts one of the few pointbreaks in New Jersey. Though usually smaller than the other well-known breaks in Monmouth County, The Cove is one of the best breaks in New Jersey when it's on. It's a long right point that takes a big S swell, but can occasionally pick up an easterly. It's not unusual to hear about a classic day of perfect rights going down at The Cove when almost every other break around was breaking left.Brighton Avenue jetty and Beachcombers are hollow waves that break on S swells. Most of the jetties in Long Branch take a S swell best, but the breaks at Seven Presidents Park can also take a N swell.
Tides: Low-mid generally best
Size: Chest high-overhead
Wind: W or WSW
Swell: SE, ESE, E
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Depends on the exact spot but can be long.
Spot Rating: Some spots can be really good on the right day, but fickle.
Access: Pretty easy with an entry fee.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Hit-or-miss, depending on where in Sandy Hook.
Local Vibe: Mostly mellow except for a couple spots.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Rangers, wildlife (more wild than most of NJ).
Season: September through March