Alnmouth surf guide
Surf: General: This is a long, deserted, easterly facing beach that looks out onto the North Sea, a dune-backed stretch of golden sand that spreads north until it is bisected by the tidal estuary, after which it pivots to face south easterly at the ancient village of Alnmouth. The beach is sheltered meaning that big swells can throw up some quality, peeling lefthanders, while the rivermouth can form groomed banks with long reeling lefts. In huge swells check in front of the golf course. Not a place for beginners due to isolation and rips.
Tides: Breaks through the tides.
Size: Thigh to head high.
Wind: NW, W, SW
Swell: NE
Bottom: Sand banks and rivermouth sandbar.
Paddling: Hard work when big.
Spot Rating: Catch it on a rare big clean swell and its worth the times you get skunked.
Access: Parking behind dunes to south of river, and by the golf course to the north.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Quiet.
Local Vibe: Friendly.
Environment: Clean.
Hazards: Rips.
Season: Needs the big swells that roll in December - February.