Apple Bay surf guide
Surf: General: Apple Bay, or Capoon's Bay as the locals call it, is a small nook of coast with a wide open window to the NW, N and NE. In front of the famed Bomba Shack lies a perfectly A-shaped reef which grooms incoming swells into ruler-edged walls of joy. It's the most consistent surf spot in the BVI's. The reef here picks up any little bit of swell that's out there, and will close out after about eight to 10-feet. It likes a little W in the swell to get the left working and bowl up the rights. It's a sand-bottom getting in and out of the water in front of Sebastian's, and the reef has numerous elk horn coral heads, so be aware.
Tides: Any
Size: Chest high-overhead+
Wind: Southeast
Swell: NNW, N, NNE
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Can be a good amount of work when there is a sizeable swell.
Spot Rating: Really fun wave with rights and lefts on the right swells.
Access: Park right there.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can get pretty crowded when there are waves.
Local Vibe: Not heavy but present. Mind your manners.
Environment: Pretty good.
Hazards: A few rocks on the inside.
Season: Late summer and fall for tropical cyclone swells but late fall through early spring for consistency.