Bocas del Toro surf guide
Surf: General: Bocas del Toro is actually a small region of islands (including Colon, Bastimentos and Carenero) that host a number of reefs, points and beachbreaks in the westernmost part of Panama's Caribbean coast. When they're firing on all cylinders -- both lefts and rights -- the region has been compared to Indonesia. Standout spots in the area include Dumpers, Playa Bluff, Playa Paunch, Isla Carenero, Silverbacks and First Beach.
Tides: All tides. Very little fluctuation between tides.
Size: Head high-3x overhead (Silverbacks can handle it)
Wind: Varies spot-to-spot
Swell: N, NE
Bottom: Varies. Mostly reefbreaks with a few beachbreaks and points.
Paddling: Not too bad depending on where you surf.
Spot Rating: A variety of options in the area depending on swell.
Access: Boat access to most breaks from town of Bocas del Toro.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Varies with the season but many spots to spread out when there is swell.
Local Vibe: Mellow to mild, depending on which spot you choose.
Environment: Not bad.
Hazards: Shallow reefs, mosquitos.
Season: Summer and winter best when strong trade winds blow over the Caribbean; tropical cyclones are a bonus.