Los Pinos surf guide
Surf: General: Los Pinos is one of Mazatlan's more consistent waves. Located on the northern coast of the cape, in El Centro, Los Pinos picks up a proper summer S to SW swell and organizes it into lefthand lines that first break over a shallow rock reef, then spill into a tiny bay rimmed with a wide, pink-sand beach. Los Pinos' zipping lefts offer enough face to crack the lip and work up some speed. Los Pinos does tend to soften out when it's really big, but the crowd will thin out, too.
Tides: Mid to high
Size: Chest high to double overhead
Wind: E or SE, can handle S
Swell: SW, SSW, S
Bottom: Sand and rock
Paddling: When it's pumping, you'll be duck-diving a fair amount.
Spot Rating: Fun, shifty left point.
Access: Park off Paseo Claussen.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Depends on swell.
Local Vibe: It's a tight take-off zone.
Environment: You are close to the harbor entrance.
Hazards: Shallow rocks.
Season: April-October