Navarre Beach surf guide
Surf: General: The Panhandle's premier training ground for the next crop of hungry groms, this brand-new facility is Grand Central Station for grommets, Navarre is a mushy midbreak splitting up the crowd factor between the park and the pier. On a medium-size E swell, the wave is a fun, long beachbreak.
Tides: Low going high
Size: Head-high inside sandbar to double overhead outside sandbar
Wind: NW, N, NE
Swell: ESE, SE, S
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Fairly easy paddling but can get more challenging on bigger swells.
Spot Rating: Average surf, most people head to the piers/jetties along this stretch of coast.
Access: Parking lot and boardwalks to the beach.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Low to average.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: This is the emerald coast, so named due to the water color.
Hazards: Normal sea life - sharks, jellyfish, sea lice.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane