Ponce Inlet surf guide
Surf: This popular spot on the north side of Ponce de Leon Inlet is another consistent wave when swells come up from the south. The long jetty creates rebound, destroying anything from the north, but a southerly of any size can peel off right for long distances. Will break on all tides, but generally high is best and the spot handles it as big as it gets.
Environment: Plenty of good, no-nonsense local surfers. As with most inlets, sharks aplenty. Pay parking.
Surf: General: Ponce is best on a SE or E swell. It can hold larger surf than most Florida beachbreaks and is good on all tides, but incoming is best. The long jetty protecting the inlet helps make crunchy rights at times, but it can also be a mushy wave that breaks well off the beach. It all depends on the conditions.
Tides: Low to medium but can be good into higher tide on strong swells
Size: Thigh-2x overhead
Wind: SW-W
Swell: ENE-SE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy on the average day but paddling can be a challenging on bigger swells.
Spot Rating: Gets really good and can handle hurricane swells, but expect large crowds. This spot is better suited for well experienced surfers.
Access: Drive on the beach and park anywhere.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Yes, if there is decent surf, it will be very crowded.
Local Vibe: Heavy -- protection-oriented locals.
Environment: Clean for the most part.
Hazards: With any luck, the locals and sharks will duke it out.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane