Caballeros surf guide
Surf: Caballeros and Señoritas are so named, because in the past, men and women were segregated into their own beaches. Caballeros is probably the best and most reliable righthander in the Punta Hermosa region, drawing in S to W swells onto a jutting headland reef. It starts off with a sucky spurt, then walls and shoulders as it bends onto the shallower parts of the reef, before hitting some hollow sections in the inside. Good power and just the right speed make it a favourite with intermediate and experienced regular-footers. Wont hold quite as much size or power as Señoritas and works best at mid incoming as a few rocks can break up the wave at low tide unless it is big.
Environment: Like Señoritas, weekend crowds are thick, but it's possible to pick up waves all along the line-up. Long paddle using the mid-beach channel and the currents can be fast out at the tip of the point. Popular summer beach and good restaurants line the cliff tops of this up-market residential area.
Surf: General: Caballeros is a righthand reef located at the north end of the town of Punta Hermosa. Not as hollow or fast as some of the neighboring breaks, but it has potential for long rides and it breaks with unmatched consistency, especially in winter. El Silencio is a beachbreak just north of Caballeros.
Tides: Mid, incoming.
Size: Head high to a couple feet overhead
Wind: Glassy or offshore from the NE, East
Swell: S, SSW, SW
Bottom: Urchins and rock.
Paddling: Depends on size and if it's working. Could be a long paddle if you catch one that connects all the way in.
Spot Rating: Fun.
Access: Simple with open bay to paddle around the point.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Unlikely to become too crowded.
Local Vibe: Generally mellow if you show humility and respect.
Environment: Clean
Hazards: Turning your back to the ocean.
Season: April-September