Hendaye Plage surf guide
Surf: This is the answer when everything else is closing-out. A long stretch of average beachbreaks offers a wide choice of peaks; usually better close to the casino or the south jetty. The place is perfect for beginners, which explains the amazing number of surf schools. The two rocks of Les Deux Jumeaux to the northeast occasionally hold a solid right that requires patience. Further out off the eastern headland is Vanthrax, an imaginatively named death peak that spews out massive left barrels a handful of times a year. Crazy bodyboarders and pros only.
Environment: Expensive pay parking, crowds, vocal locals and general hustle and bustle here on the border with Spain. Good skatepark just over the river in Irun.
Surf: General: In heavy winter swells, when the rest of the coast is maxing out, this long, sheltered flat stretch of beach can often yield results. The mellow waves mean it can also be a super fun spot for beginners, a fact not lost on the numerous surf schools here. The most consistent banks can be found at the western edge by the jetty 'Sokoburu' - for mellow loggable rides and 'Le Casino' - in front of the tourist office in the middle of the bay. Les Deux Jumeaux - named for the twin rocks rising at the eastern edge, has a patch of reef that can help to groom fun rights when enough swell filters in.
Tides: Works through the tides.
Size: Knee to head high.
Wind: S
Swell: Medium to big NW swells.
Bottom: Sandbanks with some rocks at eastern edge.
Paddling: Never big, never heavy.
Spot Rating: A sheltered spot that can be a haven when the rest of the coast is closing out in big storms, and mellow beachie fun for beginners when small.
Access: There's pay parking along the seafront - can get very busy in the summer and when its on.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Super popular with surf school and in big storms can sometimes be the only spot working, so gets swamped.
Local Vibe: Pretty mellow like the waves here.
Environment: Good, but can get iffy after heavy rain.
Hazards: Crowds, bailed beginner boards.
Season: It only really gets going in big swells that hit October - March.