Lorne Point surf guide
Surf: When the SW wind is howling and the swell is pumping, most surfers head for the protection of this major bay and hope they luck into one of the rare, magical days when the rights are hissing and barrelling for anything up to 500m all the way into the crumbly beachbreaks. Prefers a major SE swell and any W in the wind, the canvas of the long walls entice speed carves, snaps and tucks as it runs over the sand covered slab reef fingers. There's a big gap in the rock about halfway down that big swells will jump, but it has a sectiony nature and rarely lines up perfectly. The lower the better so spring tide ranges make this a summery wave. Around the corner past the pier are 2 more righthanders that hit the second rocky bay - Barrels is a short, sharp drop to deep water shoulder while Weeds is a powerful, outside section that can be messy and rippy, but picks up swell more easily than the point.
Environment: Crowds become a problem closer to Lorne, which is a popular holiday resort, especially in the summer.