Salinas y Espartal surf guide
Surf: General: This stretch of sandy bay runs from the rivermouth groyne at Punta del Gallo south to the urban beach of Playa de Salinas. It needs a medium sized NW swell, but when its on the high quality waves here draw a large local crew. Has long, walling lefts and rights through the tides, often gets hollow in a solid groundswell. The western end has a long headland that can offer some protection in W or NW winds.
Tides: All tides
Size: Waist high to head and a half.
Wind: SE
Swell: NW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Can be rippy with a heavy paddle out.
Spot Rating: Reliable, fun, walling, lefts and rights, popular with a talented longboard crew - transforms into heavier hollower fare when the swell kicks in.
Access: Street parking just back from the beach and a car park in the middle of the bay.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Gets busy when good.
Local Vibe: Intense, can be some localism.
Environment: Rivermouth run-off and urban outflows means the water isn't great here - terrible after rains.
Hazards: Crowds, rips and heavy when big.
Season: Works all year, best September to November.