South Point surf guide
Surf: Functional, fun-lovin' left in the lee of the windswept point, this is the intermediates saviour from North Point when it's pumping. Surges over some slabs of rock then runs a sloping wall down the jumbled rocks, standing up in places to work on those drawn out roundhouses. Nowhere near the quality of big brother across the bay, but the place to be in big SW swells when the wind is still following, since it stays nice and smooth. Prefers higher tides and can get shallow over certain sections of the once again urchin sprinkled reef.
Environment: Beginners will enjoy the peak on the inside of the bay called Hussa's, a sand covered reef peak that misses the wind and gives the point surfers a final lift back in after a long paddle. Fatal shark attack in 2010 on surfer out at the point - this is prime hunting grounds for Mr Whitey so avoid dusk, dawn, seals and any extra murk in the water.