Trailer Park surf guide
Surf: General: In keeping up with the easy-does-it vibe of surrounding breaks Ditch Plains and Poles, Trailer Park is a collection of crumbly rollers that are perfectly suited for either longboarders or someone riding buoyant alternative craft. When the swell is in the medium range and up, Trailer Park serves as a catch basin for Ditch Plains human overflow.While Trailer Park's peaks are scattered over sand and rock bottoms, there are large boulders milling about that pose a definite health risk to both board and body. The obstacles sometimes help to deter the most novice of surfers, leaving more experienced surfers with a viable, if not lesser quality, second option when Ditch Plains is packed.
Tides: Mid-high
Size: Waist high-well overhead
Wind: NW
Swell: E, ESE, SE
Bottom: Rock and sand
Paddling: Moderate, be ready to paddle but pretty easy on smaller days.
Spot Rating: Usually a better longboard wave, unless the surf is big.
Access: Easy
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Mellow to moderate.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Rocks.
Season: September through March