Eckner Street surf guide
Surf: General: A convenient, subterranean beachbreak positioned between two more frequented zones — Kitty Hawk Pier to the north and Laundromats/Old Station to the south, Eckner Street is similarly exposed to accept northeast swells, tropical swells and everything in between. And it can work on all tides. Even wind chop and drift sessions can be fun. All of this, however, depends solely on how the sand is settling around town. With no real structures (i.e. jetties or groins), only periodic beach nourishment, constant bombardment from the Atlantic, and a distinctly OBXesque vulnerability to the elements, when the Eckner bar does light up, it doesn't last long. Its shelf life depends on the sandbar’s life. However, it is often an inside spot that likes an incoming tide.
Tides: All tides depending on the sand.
Size: Head high-overhead+
Wind: Southwest
Swell: SE, NE
Bottom: Sand but a wreck out there too.
Paddling: Normally not bad but the right south swell will make it tough to stay next on the peak.
Spot Rating: Tends to break a bit further off the beach so enjoyed by the longboarders and SUP crew.
Access: A few options around but steer clear of taking up spots at Art's, Winks or Ocean Blvd.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can be crowded, especially in the summer.
Local Vibe: Family friendly.
Environment: Leaky septics, especially after big storms.
Hazards: An Art's burger after your surf.
Season: Storm dependent: tropical cyclones in the late summer and fall with frontal activity and nor'easters in the late fall and winter.