Greenmount surf guide
Surf: At the eastern end of Coolangatta beach, the tree-lined Greenmount Point provides a curve of boulders for the sand to stick to, resulting in some long easy rights and a bit of protection from the dreaded SE winds. However, since the advent of the Tweed River sand-pumping program and the miraculous appearance of the 'Superbank', Greenmount's bay and the adjacent Coolangatta Beach have been swallowed by sand and tacked onto the Snapper, Rainbow endless line-up. It still shows some of it's longboarding heritage and can be less sucky than further up the line, but then again it can churn off relentlessly towards Big Groyne Kirra if it is in the right mood. Handles more NE in the swell which breaks up the sections and any S wind.
Environment: Beautiful oasis of green on the headland for picnics and barbies.