Hermosa Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Five miles of classic California beaches and communities, when it comes to getting Hermosa Beach good, the best bet is medium tides and dual swells. All spots south of Manhattan are increasingly shadowed from south/summer swell. When the surf does make it into Hermosa, the quality of waves is largely dependent on what the sand is doing.
Tides: Medium coming up
Size: chest-high to double overhead
Wind: E, SE
Swell: SW, WSW, W, WNW combo swells
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Not bad when it is small, plenty of work to be had when it is pumping.
Spot Rating: Lots of closeouts. Needs good sandbars and a crossed up combo swell to really work well.
Access: Easy, various local streets and lots.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Usually pretty spread out.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: It's right outside of the city and can get particularly bad after a rainfall.
Hazards: Negotiating closeouts.
Season: October-April