Kaiolohia Bay/Shipwreck Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Kaiolohia Bay, also known as Shipwreck Beach, is located on the north side of Lanai, about a half-hour's drive from Lanai City. Kaiolohia Bay is an 8-mile stretch of windswept coastline notorious for the Kalohi Channel, which is the shallow, 10-mile swath of sea that separates Lanai and Molokai. Because of Kaiolohia's vastness, there are, of course, a variety of reefs/waves to pick from, all of which break about 500-600 yards offshore. Like many beaches on Lanai, there is only dirt road access to Kaiolohia, meaning that to get there, you'll more than likely need a 4x4. Surprisingly, Kaiolohia is very consistent all year with ENE tradeswell getting in, but unfortunately almost always accompanied by breezy onshore ENE trade winds. The best time to pay this rugged, beautiful stretch of Hawaiian coast a visit is during a NE or ENE swell when the offshore Kona winds from the S to SW are blowing in with a frontal passage.
Tides: Medium tides
Size: Chest high-overhead
Wind: Calm or offshore from the southerly direction, which is usually during a frontal passage in winter.
Swell: NE to ENE
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Long paddle from the beach to the breaks. Most spots are not bad once you're out there.
Spot Rating: Many spots can get good when the swell and wind come together, just doesn't happen all that often.
Access: Dirt roads, 4x4 is a must.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Zero to minimal. So many spots to pick from too.
Local Vibe: None to very mellow. Be cool and keep it that way.
Environment: Pristine.
Hazards: Reef, sharks, current, getting lost.
Season: Wintertime, as that is the best chance for the best winds to occur.