Lopa Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Lopa Beach is a long, white sand beach on the east coast of Lanai. It is most consistent in summer, but occasionally a winter north-northeast swell will sneak between Maui and Molokai and provide moderate surfing potential. The stretch of reef just offshore offers a variety of peaks and sections for surfers of all abilities to have fun with. The catch is that the wind is usually onshore because of the easterly trades. Any possibility of trade swell, however, is dashed due to Lopa Beach's close proximity to Maui, whose northwest coast lies within eyesight ten miles across the Auau Channel. If you're lucky enough to be on Lanai when a front passes through and the winds clock around offshore from the westerly direction and a swell is in the water, you're guaranteed a fun session. Also, Lopa Beach is only accessible by one of four 4X4-only roads that branch off of Keomuku Road, so access with just any vehicle is not possible.
Tides: Medium tides
Size: Chest high-overhead
Wind: Calm or offshore from the westerly direction (SW-W-NW), which is usually during a frontal passage in winter.
Swell: S-SSE, and NNE-NE
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Not bad.
Spot Rating: Can get super fun when the swell and wind come together, just doesn't happen all that often.
Access: Dirt roads, 4x4 is a must.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can have a little crowd sometimes when its on, but usually empty.
Local Vibe: None to very mellow. Be cool and keep it that way.
Environment: Pristine.
Hazards: Reef
Season: Year-round. Summer is most consistent for surf. However, winter delivers occasional NE-NNE swells that slip through Maui and Molokai, as well as the episodes with ideal wind.