La Boca surf guide
La Boca is a surf spot located near the mouth of the Aconcagua River. This area features a wide beach that has become a go-to destination for beginners and surf schools. It’s well-protected from south winds, making it a relatively pleasant spot for a session. The beach can have decent surf conditions if the sand aligns just right, but expectations should be tempered as it can often be inconsistent.
The surf here generally favors south and west swells, with optimal conditions when the swell is around 2ft (0.6 meters). The waves break over sandy bottoms and come in both left and right directions, making it beginner-friendly. It’s best to hit the water during low to mid tides for better chances at catching rideable waves. If the conditions are small, heading north towards Punta del Piedra can still yield some fun opportunities.
While La Boca is a spot that attracts a crowd of bodyboarders and beginners, it’s always good to be aware of the surf environment. This beach is known for having a lively atmosphere, particularly with those just starting out. If you’re looking for more mellow setups, you can check out Playas Amarillo and Negra around the corner, where you might find easier conditions on those busy town beaches.