Matunuck surf guide
Surf: General: Matunuck’s surf is basically concentrated into three main breaks, from east to west: Deep Hole, a speedy left at low tide; Trestles, an A-frame peak with hollow rights and zippy lefts at lower tides; and The Point, a well-defined peak with a short, bowly right and a long, rippable left that links up with an inside bowl on incoming. All spots break over cobblestone/boulder reefs and can handle well-overhead swell. The Point likes SE swells, while Trestles and Deep Hole typically favor E swells, but all still operate on S swells.
Tides: The waves typically get slower and fatter at high tide.
Size: Knee high-double overhead+
Wind: N
Swell: SE, SSE, S
Bottom: Cobblestone boulders.
Paddling: Rip currents and tough paddle-outs are the norm when it’s big.
Spot Rating: Undoubtedly one of Rhode Island’s primo pointbreak/reefbreak zones, it’s like the West Coast of the East Coast.
Access: Year-round free parking lot.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Perpetually packed with surfers, kayakers, etc.
Local Vibe: With three quality reefbreaks in one zone, there’s bound to be some hostility.
Environment: Pretty clean… now. An oil spill off Point Judith in 1996 incited new and increased safety regulation, and Surfrider’s Rhode Island Chapter implemented the Blue Water Task Force, which conducts water testing/analysis at several spots.
Hazards: Hypothermia, localism, rocks.
Season: September-December