San Gallen surf guide
Surf: Touted as one of the best rights in Peru, this offshore island is in a protected National Park area and is brimming with wildlife. Moderate due S swells slip up the east coast and hug the cliffs, hitting the boulders from deep water and turn inside out, breaking through a series of sections that alternate between throaty, thick-lipped tubes to ramped up shoulders and hooks. Really needs the early morning glass to be classic, but can be ridden through the day if sea breeze is west enough and the second Banana section is more protected. Power is the theme, so advanced surfers only.
Directions: Boat access only
Environment: Gets unbelievably crowded with boatloads of frothy surfers making the expensive boat trip from the tiny port of Chaco in Paracas Bay, south of Pisco. The island is full of birds, penguins and sea-lions who often take a close look at surfers in the water. Stay away from their young. Sharks have reportedly been sighted but no problems so far. No camping on the island, so the trick is getting there as early as possible. The trip back can be really rough in choppy seas - take seasickness pills!