Salsipuedes surf guide
Salsipuedes is located in Northern Baja and is known for its unique surf experience. Once a thriving surfing spot, it has been transformed into a residential area, making access harder since public roads were closed in 2007. Nowadays, getting there usually means taking a boat, which can be a barrier for some surfers. The surf can be inconsistent, but when it’s good, it offers some thrilling rides.
The main appeal of Salsipuedes is the right point break that some say can be world-class during its prime moments. The spot works best on Northwest swells, which range from 1.2 meters to 4.6 meters (shoulder high to triple overhead). Since the best waves come in on low tides, it’s essential to plan for the conditions. The waves can be powerful as they wrap into the bay, giving surfers a unique chance to ride hollow, fast-peeling rights. There's also a reef break at the top of the point, which can produce lefts and rights, but usually doesn’t have the same punch as the main right point. Surfers should expect to handle some medium paddling at the reef, while the point can get heavy on bigger days. It’s mainly suited for experienced surfers, and boards like shortboards, longboards, and even guns can be great choices depending on the conditions.
While the environment is generally clean, the crowd factor can be a challenge, especially when the point is firing. Despite the difficult access that keeps true locals away, SoCal surfers are known to make the trek down. With all the factors considered, Salsipuedes can offer some memorable sessions if the timing is right.