The Wedge surf guide
Surf: Only an hour’s drive from J-Bay, Plettenberg Bay is a convenient area with services and accommodation to suit all needs. With eight spots in the area, there should be something for everyone, outside of the summer tourist high season. The Wedge is a bucking, rearing, beast of a wave when big SE-SW swells wrap into Plettenberg Bay and refract wickedly off the rocks in the corner, north of the Beacon Isle Hotel. Bodyboard heaven as it doubles in size from the bounce, throws a huge cavern, then implodes on the beach. Air-drops, close-outs and sand slammers guaranteed as are crowds when it works, which isn't all the time.
Environment: Down in the corner of the bay near Robberg Nature Reserve is an old submerged wreck that holds some attractive hollow lefts when there's an E swell or big S wrap.