Boca Raton Inlet surf guide
Surf: The south side (in the county park) works on all tides in a NE swell. The peaks here hold size and are much better than on the north side, which is very inconsistent.
Environment: Itβs a busy inlet, so the estuary runout may not be as clean as the surrounding area. There are often as many surfers as there are boats using Boca Raton Inlet.
Surf: General: Only Boca Raton rivals Miami's South Beach for decadence and conspicuous consumption. Simultaneously sleazy and swanky, one must have at least five credit cards, own interest in a title loan agency and be mortgaged to the hilt to live here. The irony is that repo men (a close second would be plastic surgeons) make the most money of anybody.Boca Raton straddles the Broward/Palm Beach County line and has decent surf, but no great surfers have emerged from the area. They are all too busy comparing BMWs, checking on their penny stocks or preening. Pecking order in the lineup is virtually established upon the kind of car you drive. Boca is one of the few places along the Florida coast where reefs are as prevalent as sandbars, and the place would be more renowned if its swell window weren't so narrow. Unfortunately, the majority of the north/northeast swells fail to reach any farther south than Lake Worth; however, reefs and sandbars in the Boca Raton area are especially well exposed to big northeast swells that can push through in between the semi-consistent windswells to hit a handful of breaks. One of the area's best spots is right on the county line and named as such, but most of the good surf in Boca Raton lies within the accessible city and county parks such as Red Reef Park.One of the better waves in the area, Red Reef Park is especially fun on windswells. Meaty, inside peaks throw out over a shallow, inside reef. When a big north swell is running, the waves break way out the back over a distant sandbar/offshore reef, and there are a number of other reefs and sandbars in the vicinity.
Tides: Incoming
Size: Shoulder-head
Wind: WNW
Swell: NNE-NE
Bottom: Sandy reef
Paddling: NE swell here will keep you paddling.
Spot Rating: Like anywhere in South FL, can get good on the right swell but for the most part the surf is sub par.
Access: Pay to park.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate to heavy.
Local Vibe: Competitive.
Environment: Nice and clean.
Hazards: Watch shallow reef and crowds.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane