Rockaways surf guide
Surf: General: Being the closest consistently surfable spot to New York City, Rockaway is the most popular day trip for city surfers. The beach is easily accessible by the city train system. The west-end towns of Breezy Point and Bell Harbor are nice areas with excellent surf. The Ramones hitched a ride to 92nd Street in the '70s, and it remains the most popular spot in Rockaway. A long jetty creates a hollow takeoff, followed by fast, grinding lefts walls. Once the poster child for polluted lineups, legislation over the last couple decades has cleaned things up dramatically. But it's still New York, so, for heaven's sake, be careful.
Tides: Low-mid generally best
Size: Waist high-well overhead
Wind: NW to N, but can handle WNW better than other spots nearby
Swell: SE, ESE, E
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Mostly mellow, but can be tough on big days - hop in the rip current next to the groin.
Spot Rating: Good lefts are frequent, can be really fun.
Access: Easy with street parking and subway stations nearby
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can be heavy, usually the heaviest around.
Local Vibe: Mellow to moderate on most days but can get heavy on good swells.
Environment: Fairly clean even with the close proximity to the Hudson.
Hazards: Inexperienced surfers and lessons are the main hazard.
Season: September through March