Twin Piers surf guide
Surf: General: Bradenton's best break for surfers seeking a little punch is Twin Piers. Don't let the name fool you; there are actually three, so keep that in mind as you head south on the beach road. Like most Southwest Florida surf spots, Twin Piers works best with higher water, so check it out on a N wind with an incoming to high tide. If you run into a crowd, keep looking north or south.
Tides: Mid to high
Size: Thigh-3' overhead
Wind: Onshore to generate some surf, NE, E for clean conditions
Swell: SW, W, NW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy most days, can be a little more challenging on the bigger windswell days.
Spot Rating: Old dependable, twin piers is actually three piers with the best wave between the center and northern most pier and sometimes on the N side of the northern most pier. Picks up a wide variety of directions. It is going to be crowded, people drive here to surf this wave from all over the Champa Bay area and access is easy.
Access: Easy, park right there.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Gets crowded at times but can spread out.
Local Vibe: Easy.
Environment: Outside of occasional red tide outbreaks, water is usually clean.
Hazards: Just your standard selection of sharks, rays and jellies.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane