Chambers surf guide
Surf: General: Located between Rocky Point and Pupukea is Chambers, a fast and hollow break over shallow reef. This spot is known more for the lefts (especially on WNW to NW swells), but the rights also get good (especially on the more northerly swells). Make sure to time the sets, because paddling out on a solid day can be a nightmare, as the channels are not well defined and its super shallow in some areas.
Tides: Can handle all tides, but generally best between the peak low and peak high.
Size: Head high-2X overhead-plus
Wind: Calm or light E to S is best overall, but the typical ENE trades are OK too if not too strong.
Swell: WNW to N
Bottom: Reef with some pockets of sand
Paddling: Breaks close in and the rides are not super long.
Spot Rating: Hollow and fast when it's on.
Access: Easy: Drive about a half mile past Ehukai Beach Park on Kam Highway and pull of onto Ke Nui Road and park where authorized. Take public access streets/trails to the beach.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: There is usually a decent amount of surfers on it when working, otherwise on the lighter side.
Local Vibe: Humility and respect a must.
Environment: Clean. Beautiful, clear, blue water.
Hazards: The reef, getting out.
Season: Winter