Plaice Cove surf guide
Surf: General: If you like lumps in your gravy, then paddle out at Plaice Cove. The Cove is arguably the biggest rideable wave in New Hampshire, but it's a crapshoot. Beyond the unforgiving shorebreak breaking in every direction, the heaving right-hander dumps onto a shallow shelf, presenting most surfers with the ultimate challenge.There are definitely more quality breaks in the area, like Fox Hill just up the coast, but some people swear by the cove. Considering this, expect to find a salty contingent of locals, that can border on the intense when the swell is up and conditions are favorable. There is a small parking lot located along the beach near the break, but it will fill up fast. Everywhere else is residential.
Tides: Incoming
Size: Chest high-double overhead
Wind: W
Swell: E, ESE, SE
Bottom: Sand, scattered rocks, rock ledge
Paddling: Pretty mellow in the summer but much worse in the winter when cold water and air necessitate full winter gear.
Spot Rating: Not the best spot but can be decent on the right swells.
Access: Park and walk.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate.
Local Vibe: Sometimes intense.
Environment: Fair.
Hazards: Freezing water temps in Winter.
Season: September through March