Mangahume surf guide
Mangahume is a surf spot located just south of Opunake, along the Surf Highway, State Highway 45. This spot is accessible by parking near a small stream, then walking along the creek down to the beach. You'll find a right-hand point break here, while a left-hander named Sky Williams is also on the same point. Be mindful that access is limited to walking along the river, as surrounding land is private property.
The surf at Mangahume can get challenging, especially for those who aren’t experienced. The point breaks hollow rights with a jacking take-off, particularly good at low to mid tide with a southwest swell. This spot handles swell sizes around 1 meter (3 ft) well, but you really need to know the area to navigate when it gets big. Optimal swell direction is south-west, though it can work on south and northwest swells too. A northeast wind is preferred here, and it’s best surfed by experts due to its rips and rocky conditions.
Remember, this spot is for advanced surfers only. Be prepared for the environment as it can get a bit rough with rips and rocks. Also, there is a gated road leading to the cliff top, so keep in mind your surroundings as you head down to the waves.