Kewalo's surf guide
Surf: Kewalo's is super-consistent, dragging in swell toward the deep Kewalo Basin channel
before unleashing a hollow, bad-tempered left that barrels, sections and shuts down with unpredictable regularity, shifting around the line-up and keeping the throng on their toes. The rights can also barrel, but quickly lead to shallow close-outs. Picks up all S and likes the angle from the E quadrant. Sharks are often spotted, lots of fishing boat traffic, some pollution and really nasty coral heads by rip torn the channel. There’s no beach, so paddle out from the wall.
Environment: Point Panic is across the channel, a mesmerizing, metronomic right tube that is reserved for the speedo and fin set, seen skillfully pirouetting and planing close to the rock seawall, as seen in the seminal bodysurf film Come Hell or High Water.